Harvest Zone Podcast


Blog post by Alfred Johnson

When you give to F.A.M.A., you are sharing in a most effective means of reaching into neighborhoods and building bridges of hope one child and family at a time.  FAMAlliance.org

Blog post by Alfred Johnson

All Christian businesses should consider partnering with the Alliance.  FAMAlliance.org

Blog post by Alfred Johnson

Principles of liberty cannot be forced and sometimes cannot even be argued.  All good ideas must be groomed and cultivated!  Consider the Alliance!  FAMAlliance.org

Blog post by Alfred Johnson

When it comes to helping people discover God, their soul or their life work, nothing does better than pure love flowing through the human touch…  This is the mission of the Alliance!  FAMAlliance.org

Blog post by Alfred Johnson

When Christ says that the Church is the light of the world, he is saying that our active presence and influence in communities everywhere should be as regular and visible as the rising and setting of the sun.  The churches in our communities are in the best position of all other organizations to fill our communities with this consistent and active presence.    We can assist in facilitating this!  Please consider the Alliance!  FAMAlliance.org

Blog post by Alfred Johnson

It has become vital that we review the Gospel of God’s Kingdom as it was conveyed to us by the Christ.  True evangelism is constructive, that is, we currently build and proclaim what we hope to see fully realized.  When this is done, the Kingdom of God becomes practically relevant to the everyday choices and actions of people.  The followers of Christ are diplomats of God’s Kingdom in this regard.  To proclaim and demonstrate this living opportunity to participate in God’s order is the Good News of the Kingdom!  ‘Your Kingdom come, Your will be done in earth as it is in heaven.’  Amen!

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